It is a well-known fact that a
lot of people want to be rich people, so most of the people play the chance
games. They hope to wins these games and want to be wealthy. If they win the
games, they usually buy new and huge homes and last model cars, because they
want to have a comfortable life.
First of all, ıf people win the lottery,
they immediately buy new and big houses. After that, they buy new furniture for
their new homes. A lot of people are greedy and they want to show other people
with their ware. So, they want to buy flamboyant things. The big home, big
garden, big pool which show the affect the other people. After the first home,
they buy other homes, because they need to source of income for continues their
expensive life.
Second of all, they buy last model cars, because
luxiours cars are very expensive, safe and comfortable. Especially, men have
very information about cars and when they talk about the cars, men show of
their cars. ıf young men who win the lottery, they immediately buy new car and
they drive the car very fast and they think cars have very impressive feature on
the girl. They use to cars for making a girlfriend.
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