24 Şubat 2016 Çarşamba


    İn most countries of the world, a lot of people smoke cigarette. It is a well-known fact that smoking is very harmful for our body. Some governments forbid the smoking in the close side. Smoking is detrimental for our health and people spend a lot of money to buy cigarette.
     First of all, cigarette is very harmful. A lot of people dies for this reason and some people can get a cancer and waste time in the hospital and they take medicines. Some people who get a cancer, they lost some organs. It seems the people that smoking is very entreating, but it is important emphases cigarette steal time in our life.
    The second reason, as I mentored before people spend their money for buying cigarette. While the people are buying cigarette, they don’t think their health and financial positions. A lot of people who are very hungry and they can’t buy meal, because they haven’t got enough money but some people who smoke the cigarette and they don’t think hungry people. On the one hand, people dies, because they are very hungry. On the another hand people dies, because they poison themselves, while they smoking cigarette.
    To sum up, the government should bon the people who cause of their death, we can say they suicide. If we want to health and wealthy life, we give up

to cigarette.

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