26 Şubat 2016 Cuma


  In most countries of the world, students wear the uniforms. In Turkey, students have to wear uniform some high school and primary school, but many students think the uniform shouldn’t wear a school. The government asked the students their thinking about school uniforms and some students want to wear casual clothes at the school. In my opinion, students should wear uniform, because every students have different style, students spend a lot of time for choose their clothes and a lot of students don’t have enough money for buy new clothes.
   The first reason, students who go to school every day and ıf they don’t wear uniform, they feel like they have to wear distinctive clothes for each every day, because they are young and they look at the their friends and they talk about their appearance. For example, some students wear clothes and their friends say bathing and students can be sorry and they can’t focus their lesson, so they can’t pass their exams.
    Another reason, students spend a lot of time for choose clothes. Before the school, students choose and they get ready for school. Some students get up early, wear clothes and they spend time in the face of mirror. Sometimes, they can’t have breakfast, because they haven’t got enough time for having breakfast. If students wear school uniform, they have got a lot of time. In this way, students can have a lot of time for their lessons, homework, breakfast and games.
    The third reason, every student don’t have enough money for buying new clothes, so they can’t buying very clothes for wearing  at the school.in this way students realize the class  distinction. Students separate a lot of group. Wealthy students exclude the poor students. So, balance is changed between the students.
   All of this point to the fact that, students wear uniform at school. In this way, every students can be equal , have a lot of time and can be successful in their lessons.

25 Şubat 2016 Perşembe

Wealthy People

  It is a well-known fact that a lot of people want to be rich people, so most of the people play the chance games. They hope to wins these games and want to be wealthy. If they win the games, they usually buy new and huge homes and last model cars, because they want to have a comfortable life.
       First of all, ıf people win the lottery, they immediately buy new and big houses. After that, they   buy new furniture for their new homes. A lot of people are greedy and they want to show other people with their ware. So, they want to buy flamboyant things. The big home, big garden, big pool which show the affect the other people. After the first home, they buy other homes, because they need to source of income for continues their expensive life.
    Second of all, they buy last model cars, because luxiours cars are very expensive, safe and comfortable. Especially, men have very information about cars and when they talk about the cars, men show of their cars. ıf young men who win the lottery, they immediately buy new car and they drive the car very fast and they think cars have very impressive feature on the girl. They use to cars for making a girlfriend.
    All of this points to the fact that, if people win the lottery, they buy a lot of things for their life and gossip.  Home and  car essential thing for their life , but they never remember money don’t bring happiness forever.

24 Şubat 2016 Çarşamba


    İn most countries of the world, a lot of people smoke cigarette. It is a well-known fact that smoking is very harmful for our body. Some governments forbid the smoking in the close side. Smoking is detrimental for our health and people spend a lot of money to buy cigarette.
     First of all, cigarette is very harmful. A lot of people dies for this reason and some people can get a cancer and waste time in the hospital and they take medicines. Some people who get a cancer, they lost some organs. It seems the people that smoking is very entreating, but it is important emphases cigarette steal time in our life.
    The second reason, as I mentored before people spend their money for buying cigarette. While the people are buying cigarette, they don’t think their health and financial positions. A lot of people who are very hungry and they can’t buy meal, because they haven’t got enough money but some people who smoke the cigarette and they don’t think hungry people. On the one hand, people dies, because they are very hungry. On the another hand people dies, because they poison themselves, while they smoking cigarette.
    To sum up, the government should bon the people who cause of their death, we can say they suicide. If we want to health and wealthy life, we give up

to cigarette.

Technological Tools' Benefits

  İt is generally agreed today that technological tools are very useful. A lot of people can use this tools which takes a lot of  part of their life. Our lives can be very useful with technological tools. We can use of technological tools for transportation and communication.
  First of all, we use technological tools for transportation. A lot of people go to school, work and travel every day. We can arrive to our destinations very easily. Some people either drive car or prefer bus and some people use plane for farther places. If we can’t use technology and we want to go other countries, we have to spend a lot of time. When people use technological tools, they can have extra time and energy.
  The second reason, we use to technological tool is communicate with other people who live other country or for away each other. Some people have to go to other countries for working or having education. They may miss their family or relatives. They can communicate each other very easily with technological tools. They can hear their families’ sound with the phone or even they can see the their families’ face with using computer.
  All of this points to the fact that our lives may be easy very much with technological tools. When we use to technological tools, we can have a lot of time for doing something. For instance, while we going to somewhere with plane, we can read book. By a large, we use technology everywhere of our life for can be make very comfortable.