Performance enhancing drugs are foreign substances or
tactic for raise the body’s endurance and strength. It affect hormones and ıt
cause of the muscularity. Nowadays, several athletes try to be better so, they
use this kind of drugs. Sportsperson take some drugs to strengthen muscle and
curtail cell’s recovery time. There is wide range of controversy about
performance enhancing drugs and whether they are harmful or useful. However, using
doping drugs could be beneficial. There are myriad of reasons; health, fairness
and cost.

Opponents of
legalization of the doping drugs claim that using foreign substances do not
provide fair competition. Taking doping drugs are increased the change of win a
competition without any practice. They defend that if athletes do not take a
drugs, they waste unnecessarily effort against the people who use doping on the
competition; on the contrary, genes may be reason the disequilibrium. According
to Egendorf (2007) “one theory states that European distance runners lag behind
their African counterparts because African runners, such as those from Kenya
and Ethiopia, can resist fatigue longer and o farther on the same amount of
oxygen. Studies also show that Kenya runners tend to have slimmer legs then
European runners, which means they do not need as much energy to run.
Examination of this subject can be difficult, as it can lead to controversial
conclusion on racial difference; however, physical evidence does suggest that
body types are not universal.” (p. 8-23)

The foregoing discussion has
attempted to performance enhancing drugs should be legal. The harmful lack of
drugs, injustice of competitions and financial effect leads us to the conclusion
that using doping drugs should be legalized. Sport ethic rules should contain
some subject about being legalization of drugs.
Kayser, B., Mauron, A., and
Miah, A., (2009) Some Performans Enhancing drugs should be legalized. In T.L.
Roleff (ed.) The Olympics (pp.76-79) Farmington hills MI: Greenhaven
Egendorf, L.K. (2007) performance enhancing drugs
(pp8-23) San Diego CA: ReferencePoint press
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