19 Aralık 2016 Pazartesi

Performance Enhancing Drugs

        Performance enhancing drugs are foreign substances or tactic for raise the body’s endurance and strength. It affect hormones and ıt cause of the muscularity. Nowadays, several athletes try to be better so, they use this kind of drugs. Sportsperson take some drugs to strengthen muscle and curtail cell’s recovery time. There is wide range of controversy about performance enhancing drugs and whether they are harmful or useful. However, using doping drugs could be beneficial. There are myriad of reasons; health, fairness and cost.
         One of the greatest point to performance enhancing drugs is the health. Legalization of the use of doping drugs could be cause of rampant drug using. Unchecked use of medicinal substance are induced some health problems. Anti-doping restriction is required to inhibit injury from doping. On the other hand, sport is hazardous even if drugs are not taken. For instance, playing football has high risk for knee and ankle problems, moreover, and boxing can lead to brain damage ( Kayser, Mauron and Miah, 2009). Moreover, utilizing drugs under a doctor’s supervision is reduced the risk of side effect.
       Opponents of legalization of the doping drugs claim that using foreign substances do not provide fair competition. Taking doping drugs are increased the change of win a competition without any practice. They defend that if athletes do not take a drugs, they waste unnecessarily effort against the people who use doping on the competition; on the contrary, genes may be reason the disequilibrium. According to Egendorf (2007) “one theory states that European distance runners lag behind their African counterparts because African runners, such as those from Kenya and Ethiopia, can resist fatigue longer and o farther on the same amount of oxygen. Studies also show that Kenya runners tend to have slimmer legs then European runners, which means they do not need as much energy to run. Examination of this subject can be difficult, as it can lead to controversial conclusion on racial difference; however, physical evidence does suggest that body types are not universal.” (p. 8-23)
        Opponents also maintain that performance enhancing drugs’ costs are so high; nevertheless, ıf athletes do not take doping drugs, they have to pay much money to gym, since they want to be accomplished athlete and their genes are not enough for this kind of success. For this reason, taking drugs are not costly than doing exercise. Additionally, ethical justification of forbidding the utilizing of ergogenic stimulant in sports is inadequate. As the price of anti-doping control escalates year on year, ethical protest are increased that are heaviness than the ethical quarrel for performance enhancing drugs (Kayser, Mauron, and Miah, 2009).
       The foregoing discussion has attempted to performance enhancing drugs should be legal. The harmful lack of drugs, injustice of competitions and financial effect leads us to the conclusion that using doping drugs should be legalized. Sport ethic rules should contain some subject about being legalization of drugs.

Kayser, B., Mauron, A., and Miah, A., (2009) Some Performans Enhancing drugs should be legalized. In T.L. Roleff  (ed.) The Olympics (pp.76-79) Farmington hills MI: Greenhaven press
Egendorf, L.K. (2007) performance enhancing drugs (pp8-23) San Diego CA: ReferencePoint press

8 Kasım 2016 Salı

Labour Force Participation Rate

The labour force participation rate is the measurement to evaluate working-age population in an economy. Labour force participation rate is defined as the segment of working population in the age group of 16-64 in the economy currently employed or searching for employment. People who are not looking for a job such as full-time students, homemakers, individuals above the age of 64, will not be a part of the data set. ( Jan, 2015) 
Figure 1: Labour Force Participation Rate in World, 2015

The graph demonstrates labour force participation rate in the world. it is generally seen that the labour force participation rate went down from 1990 to 2012. This is because at the time of economic decline, the economic activity was very low which results in fewer jobs across the country. The labour force participation rate declined 1.5 percent from 1990 to 1995. Whereas, ıt slightly increased by 0.45 percent between the years of 1999 and 2000. However, between 2000 and 2005 one can clearly see that the labour force participation rate was decreasing. Moreover, ıt continued to be diminished by 2012. The statistics show that labour force participation rate fell by 0,12 percent between 2012-2014.

People's participation in the labor market varies greatly across countries, economic development, education levels. (Verick, 2014) People’s welfare depends on their wage. If people do not receive education, they face some hardship consequences. Therefore,  people should get a good education to live their life in better conditions. Separately, some people worked very long hours with an  inadequate salary. These types of countries need some regulation about labour rights.


Jan, O. (2015)

Verick, s. (2014) lobour force participation in developing countries.

3 Haziran 2016 Cuma

TV bring eating disorders

Hi!!!  Firstly, I talk about meaning of the eating disorders. Some people’s thinking is changed about their eating habits or appearances and ıt causes the people to eat more than the normally or less than the normally. We called eating disorders which is behaviors of   disrupted eating habits. Eating disorders are divided into 2 parts. These are Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia.
    1)  Anorexia Nervosa                                                      
        Firstly we will examine Anorexia Nervosa. It is affecting one in every 100 women. Patients refuse to eat food and force vomiting for losing weight. Patients feel overweight even if they are extremely thin.
2)      Bulimia
Secondly we will examine Bulimia. People who have Bulimia are normally just a little bit over weight. These people usually consume large amounts of food when they eat. 

Secondly, I’ll examine place of the television in our life. The First television was first invented in 1923 US by John Logie Baird. TV was first 1930s. However the first image consists of black and white. The First colorful television was sold in 1950s USA.

Television has an enormous place in our life. About 75% of people own a TV set and watch for an average of 6 hours per day. Especially, students who are 6-14 years old, 50% of these students watch TV while they are eating food. In addition,  81, 5% of the people have 2 or more than two television in their homes. 28% of these televisions exist in kitchen.

Finally, we will look at effect of the television on the eating habits. If they watch television, and they are eating something, they get a lot of weight. If people are busy with something, what they eat or how much they eat is not significant. Because people do not realize what they eat and they may eat a lot of food. When people look in the mirror, they realize they are fatter. In addition, there is no doubt that the ideal body size, as reflected in the style icons promoted in the media, is getting thinner. When people, especially women, watch the television they see a lot of thin people and they think they are very fat and if they lose weight they can resemble thin and beautiful women. They immediately start the diet and they start doing exercise for very long time. But diet is very hard because they change all eating habits. They generally eat green vegetables and they avoid eating meat and fat. After a while, they lose a lot of weight but losing weight is been significant disease. Even if they lose weight, it is not adequate for these people. When People see the thin actresses or actors again, they feel pressure from many sides to control their weight, from th
e media.

26 Mayıs 2016 Perşembe


Firstly Ebola seen in Sudan and Democratic Republic of Congo in 1976.This disease call Ebola because Ebola seen first time  in village which near the river of Ebola. Ebola generally spread African Countries and lastly seen in Nigeria.Ebola virus is very dangerous. It cause of the diarrhea, bleeding, exuviation and high fever. Ebola spreads from person to person through bodily fluids and blood. Scientific couldn’t prove Ebola spread through air in the nature. People believe the fruit bats carry unaffectedly the Ebola. Ebola can spread through people after people be infected.Ebola haven’t got specific treatment. Disease’s has high death rate. Patient’s dead rate of %50 to %90.Ebola virus was infected 1000 person each year between 1976-2013.scientists try to find vaccine but we haven’t got available vaccine yet.

25 Mayıs 2016 Çarşamba

No Smoking

               Every day, millions of people smoke cigarette all around the world. Cigarette has a lot of bad ingredients such as nicotine which cause of the depending on the cigarette. Moreover, people need to smoke everywhere. Some of  them go to school and some of them go to work. Actually, they continue their life around some people who not smoke and they become restive other people who smoke cigarette in public places. While there are many people who supports smoking should be banned is a good idea due to the reason; such as passive smoking and bad smell. There are some opponents who stay on the opposite sides because of the reason that they think smoking in the outside cause of the loosing time for students and workers.
                First of all, people should not smoke cigarette in public places because smoking is not affected only people who smoking cigarette. At the same time smoking is created passive smokers. Smoking has a lot of bad effect for people. Furthermore, smoking damage some people who smoke cigarette or they only be located around the smokers. Especially, smoking affected of the pregnant and kids more than other people.
                 Secondly, some people can become sick such as asthma, because cigarette has bad smell. This bad smell does not only cause of be disturbed, also ıt cause of the chronic disease, for instance asthma. It can be cause of the cancer and ıt can be cause of the people dead.
        On the other hand, some people think smoking cause of the loss of time for students and, workers, because when they want to smoke cigarette they have to go open area and this event cause of   the losing time. However, if smoking is banned, a lot of people can disuse smoking. It is very tiring and people disgust to go to outside. Additionally, if they smoking in their room maybe their customers become restive smoking scent or if they work with their coworkers in the same room their coworkers for not want to smoking in there. In addition, students think smoking should not banned public places. However they study with their friend, too. In addition, cigarette is very harmful for people. If government is allowed for smoking in public places, smoking is spread quickly and plenty of people smoking cigarette more than now.
          In conclusion, smoking should be banned in public places since smoking creates passive smokers, bad smell and not to less of time for students and workers. There are already plenty of causes to banned smoking in public places.

24 Mayıs 2016 Salı

Heydar Aliyev Center

I will talk about very interesting building which name is haydar aliyev center. The Heydar Aliyev Center is a 619,000-square-foot building complex in Baku, Azerbaijan designed by Iraqi-British architect Zaha Hadid . The center is named for Heydar Aliyev, the leader of Soviet-era Azerbaijan from 1969 to 1982, and president of Azerbaijan from October 1993 to October 2003.The project is intended to play an integral role in the intellectual düşsel entellektüel  life of the city. 
Located close to the city center, the site plays a pivotal role in the redevelopment of Baku.All functions of the Center, together with entrances, are represented by folds in a single continuous surface.Architecture is located in Azerbaijan mythology reflects the rise of the Caspian Sea Heydar aliyev center was built 3.5 years and ıt was cost 205 million euro. Building is completed in 2012The Center houses a conference hall (auditorium), a library, a museum and galleriesThis fluid form gives an opportunity to connect the various cultural spaces whilst  süresince ragmen at the same time, providing each element of the Center with its own identity and privacy. An internationally recognized architectural work, the building of the Heydar Aliyev Center has become a signature landmark of modern Baku due to its innovative and cutting-edge design. 

4 Mayıs 2016 Çarşamba

Distance Learning

The majority of the people want to be successful their life, but they have to get education. People have to go to primary school and high school in some countries. Some countries provide distance learning opportunities. Distance learning makes people’s life easy. People have several causes to choose distance learning. Three of them are transportation, time and tuition fee.
   The first cause of the getting on education through distance learning is transportation. Students have to go to school at the normal learning style. Some students live in the suburban area and transportation is very difficult for these people. However, people use only computer and they don’t go to anywhere to learn something in distance learning. In addition, don’t pay any transportation fee since they don’t have to go to school.
   The second cause of the getting an education through distance learning is time. People can start the lesson when they want to start learning. If they want to study their lesson at 01.00 a.m. they switch on their computers and they can start learning. Additionally, they don’t spend time for, transportation. In this way, they gain a lot of time, because same people spend a lot of time to go to school every day.
    The third and final cause of the getting education through distance learning is tuition fee. Especially, people have to pay money if they want to go to private school. In same way, people pay money for books. In some countries, even if people go to state-run school, they pay money for books and clothes.

    To sum up,  some people prefer getting on education through distance learning, because they have several cause to choose distance learning, for example transportation, time and tuition fee. I believe that, choosing an education type depend where you live and which one is a best option for your life?

The Causes Of Crime

   Nowadays, the most serious issue in modern societies is high crime rates. In other words, the number of people who commit crime has increased recently. Some streets in our city are so dangerous that we are afraid to walk in these streets at night. In addition, the number of thieve is very high in our neighborhood. Well, what are the causes of this terrible situation? Many experts believe that there are three major causes of high crime rates such as poverty, revenge and exclusion from the society.
    The first cause of crime is poverty. Especially, some countries have got high employment rates, because unemployment affects a large extent. For instance, especially man undertakes a large extent the home economic. When they lose their jobs, they overthink and they get stuck. After some time, they try to find a way out. If they can’t solve the problems, they start thinking of the illegal way; for example, theft and burglary. If they don’t get rid of the dept. they can attack nerves. In other words, they can damage themselves or other people. People even kill themselves or other people.
  Another cause is the vengeance. Some people are very jealous. They are jealous of their lover or partner. Furthermore, extreme jealousy causes some crime. For example, people stab or shoot other people. Moreover, people kill other people for vendetta. Furthermore, people murder or injure other people-son cause of cheating or after break up. 
      The final reason is exclusion from the society. Especially, some people grew orphanage who can’t interact with other people, because they are isolated from the society. The majority of the people have a huge prejudice against orphans and they avoid talking with orphans. For this reason, orphans are more aggressive and peevish. Orphans may damage themselves or other person for revenge.
     To sum up, people can commit an offense, because they have a lot of causes or they only think like this. Some causes of crime are poverty, revenge and exclusion from the society. Actually, what can we do? What can’t we do? Or how much do we force our verge? How much is important our life or other people life? They depend only on us.

30 Nisan 2016 Cumartesi

Moving Big City

               Recently, moving big cities is very common all around the world. People don’t want to live small cities. That’s why the rate of the living in the small cities decreased. There are several causes of the moving to big cities which are education, life quality and job opportunities.
         The first reason is education. People spend a lot of time for education, because education is a good way to improve themselves and have a good job. People have a lot of choices for education in big cities. For example, big cities have a lot of primary schools, high schools and universities. Actually, a lot of students came from the other cities or other countries. Furthermore, people interact with different people, so people may change their perspective about life. In addition, people can go to a lot of different courses, for instance, foreign language courses. Big cities provide a lot of opportunities, so people want to move big cities.
     The second and important cause of moving big cities is better life quality. Everybody wants better living conditions and big cities have plenty options. For instance, big cities have some hospitals, plenty good doctors and a lot of technological devices. Besides big cities have a lot of cafes, restaurants and theatres. Therefore, people are more active in big cities. Furthermore, people go to work, school or shopping center and they need better transportation. Especially transportation are very improved in big cities.
   The third and final cause is job opportunities. People have to earn money to buy something. People can work in plenty of different jobs and big cities have a lot of factories and companies. These companies can offer various kinds of jobs for employees. For example, you can work as a caretaker or director in a company. Moreover, these companies or factories give good salary and these companies’ present short time working hours. Also, these factories provide lunch and transportation.
       In conclusion, people have a lot of causes of moving big cities. For instance, education, life quality and job opportunities are some of these causes. In my opinion when people move big cities, they will have better life.

24 Mart 2016 Perşembe

Plane or Car

   In the World, a lot of people are travelling to other cities every day. Same people are travelling for their jobs or visiting same new places. Today, people have a lot of ways for travelling other cities, but very common two ways are by plane and by car. A comparison between by car and by plane indicates several similarities and differences, ın terms of comfort, time and fee.
   First of all, our cars are very comfortable. If we want to stop somewhere and buy something, we can do this. We can dive our cars very fast or slow. Likewise, we can choose what time we start the travelling. However, ıf we travel by plane, we depend on the air ways company. We have to buy ticket before the traveling and we have to go there this time. However, planes are very comfortable, you only sit and you wait for your plane to arrive to your destination.
  Second of all, traveling by plane is shorter then by car. Planes are very fast and their speeds are average 600 km\h. In contrast, our cars’ average speeds are 120km\h. They can’t drive very fast, because our country has a lot of rule about speed. In other hands, planes’ routes are shorter than roads, so planes arrive the other places in short time.
  Finally, ıf people buy plane ticket short time before the travelling, ıt will be very expensive. If people buy the ticket 3-4 week before, ıt will be cheaper than other times. In contrast if people travel by car, people can’t change cost of fuel and the fuel is very expensive, in Turkey. If people want to travel by car, people have to pay a lot of money for fuel.
To sum up, people’s transportations vehicle depend on their situation and their demand. Some people prefer plane or car; both of them have many advantages and disadvantages.

18 Mart 2016 Cuma

Moves A Little Bit For Our Life

In the world, people eat too much fast food every day. Additionally, they don’t do any exercise and they put on weight. Today a lot of people are obesity line. Obesity and poor fitness decrease life expectancy, so people aren’t happy. Government and individuals can work together to increase life expectancy.
  Changes by individuals to their diet and their physical activity van increase life expectancy. For instance, they can go to gym and they can run or doing some exercise. I f they haven’t got enough money, they can get of their bus early and they can walk until their house or work. Additionally, they go to the some court and they play game with their friends. In this way, they pay less money for court and they improve their relationship their friends.
 Government initiatives may change their citizens eating habits and exercises habits. For example, government can organize some conferences about healthy diet and exercise habits. In addition,   government should organize some healthy programs in order to help their citizens being health. In this way government changes people’s eating habits and exercises habits.
   To sum up government and individuals can work together to improve diet and fitness,  so we can improve life expentancy.in this way, people will be more healthy and they continue their life better.

15 Mart 2016 Salı

Vicious Circle in Our Lİfe

In primary school, children study their lesson to learning write and read. Last year in the primary school students study their lesson to win good high school. When they win the high school they study pass the exams. Last year in the high school they study the lessons to win the good university. When they win the university, the study for pass the exams and graduate there.
 After the university, they start search quality job. When they find the job they start search wife or husband. When they get married they work make ends meet. When they have a child they work, because they want to provide quality life for their child or children. Next, their children work their lesson for learning read and write and these events continuous like this.

13 Mart 2016 Pazar

Alone In The Forest


Several centuries before, Mason was living in the village with his parents. One day, they decided to went to picnic with his family and their neighbour. When they went to the forest, Mason played games with other children. A few hours later, Mason was loseing in the forest, while he playing hide and seek. Mason wanted to find his family or his friends, but the forest was very big. Even though, Mason shouted " I'm here. Can you hear me?" But, nobody couldn't his sound, because he was very distant from his family. Several hours  later, he was cold and vet, because it was raining at night. Everywhere  was darkness and he the heard scream of the  wolf and he was scared. Although, he found the cottage and he immediately ran to the cottage. When he entered the cottage, he  heard the sound , because the door closed, but he didn't close the door. Mason immediately ran the corner of the room and he hided  and he was scared. A few minutes later, he heard step sounds, because someone was comming towards his. He have to stood up and escaped. While he was running towards the other room, everywhere became clear. He immediately found the vase to strike to man and he took this. After, he turned around and he shocked, because the  old man looked his. After that, Mason told the old man that, he has learnt that, the old man was a hunter and he sometimes came to the cottage to hunt. After, he slept in the cottage with old man. In morning, old man took away Mason towards  Mason's village and Mason went to his home and he gave his mother hug.