Hi!!! Firstly, I talk about meaning
of the eating disorders. Some people’s thinking is changed about their eating
habits or appearances and ıt causes the people to eat more than the normally or
less than the normally. We called eating disorders which is behaviors of disrupted eating habits. Eating disorders are
divided into 2 parts. These are Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia.
1) Anorexia
Firstly we will examine Anorexia Nervosa. It is affecting one in every 100
women. Patients refuse to eat food and force vomiting for losing weight.
Patients feel overweight even if they are extremely thin.
2) Bulimia
Secondly we will examine Bulimia. People who have
Bulimia are normally just a little bit over weight. These people usually
consume large amounts of food when they eat.
Secondly, I’ll examine place of the television in
our life. The First television was first invented in 1923 US by John Logie
Baird. TV was first 1930s. However the first image consists of black and white.
The First colorful television was sold in 1950s USA.
Television has an enormous place in our life. About 75% of people own a TV set and watch for an
average of 6 hours per day. Especially, students who are 6-14 years old, 50% of
these students watch TV while they are eating food. In addition, 81, 5% of the people have 2 or more than two
television in their homes. 28% of these televisions exist in kitchen.

Finally, we will look at effect of the television on
the eating habits. If they watch television, and they are eating something, they
get a lot of weight. If people are busy with something, what they eat or how
much they eat is not significant. Because people do not realize what they eat
and they may eat a lot of food. When people look in the mirror, they realize they
are fatter. In addition, there is no doubt that the ideal body size, as reflected
in the style icons promoted in the media, is getting thinner. When people, especially women, watch the television
they see a lot of thin people and they think they are very fat and if they lose
weight they can resemble thin and beautiful women. They immediately start the
diet and they start doing exercise for very long time. But diet is very hard
because they change all eating habits. They generally eat green vegetables and
they avoid eating meat and fat. After a while, they lose a lot of weight but
losing weight is been significant disease. Even if they lose weight, it is not
adequate for these people. When People see the thin actresses or actors again, they
feel pressure from many sides to control their weight, from th
e media.