26 Mayıs 2016 Perşembe

25 Mayıs 2016 Çarşamba
No Smoking

Secondly, some people can become sick such as asthma, because cigarette has bad smell. This bad smell does not only cause of be disturbed, also ıt cause of the chronic disease, for instance asthma. It can be cause of the cancer and ıt can be cause of the people dead.
On the other hand, some people think smoking cause of the loss of time for students and, workers, because when they want to smoke cigarette they have to go open area and this event cause of the losing time. However, if smoking is banned, a lot of people can disuse smoking. It is very tiring and people disgust to go to outside. Additionally, if they smoking in their room maybe their customers become restive smoking scent or if they work with their coworkers in the same room their coworkers for not want to smoking in there. In addition, students think smoking should not banned public places. However they study with their friend, too. In addition, cigarette is very harmful for people. If government is allowed for smoking in public places, smoking is spread quickly and plenty of people smoking cigarette more than now.

24 Mayıs 2016 Salı
Heydar Aliyev Center

4 Mayıs 2016 Çarşamba
Distance Learning
The majority of
the people want to be successful their life, but they have to get education. People
have to go to primary school and high school in some countries. Some countries
provide distance learning opportunities. Distance learning makes people’s life
easy. People have several causes to choose distance learning. Three of them are
transportation, time and tuition fee.

To sum up,
some people prefer getting on education through distance learning,
because they have several cause to choose distance learning, for example transportation,
time and tuition fee. I believe that, choosing an education type depend where
you live and which one is a best option for your life?
The Causes Of Crime
Nowadays, the most serious issue in modern
societies is high crime rates. In other words, the number of people who commit crime
has increased recently. Some streets in our city are so dangerous that we are
afraid to walk in these streets at night. In addition, the number of thieve is
very high in our neighborhood. Well, what are the causes of this terrible
situation? Many experts believe that there are three major causes of high crime
rates such as poverty, revenge and exclusion from the society.

To sum up, people can commit an offense,
because they have a lot of causes or they only think like this. Some causes of
crime are poverty, revenge and exclusion from the society. Actually, what can we
do? What can’t we do? Or how much do we force our verge? How much is important
our life or other people life? They depend only on us.
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